Deleting a contact to delete all related cases
under review
Urszula Richards
I had a suggestion that deleting a contact should remove all cases associated with that contact.
I'm deleting a whole lot of spam and have to delete both the cases and the dud contacts.
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Matt Walter
under review
Bob Peterson
Good idea, if made an option ... (checkbox)
Dean Vizer
Urszula Richards would this be ok as optional per contact delete?
Example being: If contact has cases then when pressing delete a modal is shown that asks if you would like to also delete the related cases
I can imagine situations where both only contact or contact+cases deletion could be needed and so an option would most likely be best.
Urszula Richards
Dean Vizer: The use case I'm thinking of is lots of spam (which hopefully won't be occurring that often, but sometimes does). So it would ideally have two options - select all, where you just untick those you want to keep, or select those you want to keep, and perhaps when you click delete a pop up asks you if you want to delete related cases or just the cases.
This is my BC list (haven't had time to clean this up and fix), where selecting and deleting will also delete cases.
Dean Vizer
Urszula Richards: We’ve got bulk delete in cases coming soon, so sounds like a mix of the two
We could do bulk delete of contacts will display the same “Also cases?” Modal for the selected users, which then I think covers your use case above
Urszula Richards
Dean Vizer: perfect!