Modules - Add Uninstall option
under review
Martin Sanderson
Please add an uninstall option to modules, so that we can easily remove them from a site.
Log In
Martin Sanderson
Note: As of April 2022 you can uninstall and modules created since this date.
This roadmap task remains as a request for the ability to uninstall older Siteglide modules that pre-date the above module marketplace update.
Matt Walter
under review
Dean Vizer
We currently have a version of module uninstall working in Alpha.
To note that this is only for modules that have been installed from the marketplace. We will look into uninstalling Siteglide modules such as Blog, FAQ etc at a later date
Dean Vizer
in progress
Dean Vizer
Merged in a post:
Ability to uninstall modules
If we don't need modules more then we should be able to uninstall modules.
Matt Walter