WebApps - Multi-Data Source Output Order
Devon Reehl
Currently, items selected in a Multi-Datasource field output in your layout in the order of their ID's.
You CAN write about 30 lines of liquid to control the order in which they appear, but most people can't do that, and you have to drop it into each place you're gonna do it. Not great.
Wouldn't it be great to have a param in the datasource tag something like "sort_order" where you could designate "selected". Like this below (see end of tag).
{% assign item_ids = this['Content Blurbs'] | join: ',' -%}
{% include 'webapp', id: '17', item_ids: item_ids, layout: 'default', datasource: 'true', sort_order:'selected/id/asc/dsc' -%}
This would output those items in the order they were selected in the Admin.
Bonus points: Allow for drag/drop re-ordering of items in the admin (but very much a nice to have).
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Matt Walter
This has been released now - v2.8.2.5 - https://help.siteglide.com/en/article/245-module-system-files-changelog - https://developers.siteglide.com/webapp-list-layouts#:~:text=sort_type%3A%20%27item_ids%27
Matt Walter
in progress
Devon Reehl
Matt Walter I brought this up at a town hall in the past couple months, but wanted to follow up on this roadmap item with a specific video around the Drag and Drop functionality (which would solve this).
Matt Walter
Devon Reehl: Thanks for the video. I'll take a look and see if we can change the field to be the same as the image array one you suggested.
Devon Reehl
Matt Walter: Thanks Matt!
Matt Walter
under review
Matt Jones
To give an example of this- the Client selects Source D at index 0, and Source C at index 1 in the array. The question is- can the data-source items "remember" their place in the array, and be outputted in that order?
The purpose of this request is to find a faster way for the Client to control weighting on a large-scale site.
Please correct me if I've explained that wrongly Devon Reehl !
Matt Walter
Devon Reehl - Do the parameters here not achieve that? -> https://siteglide.support/en/articles/3478503-webapp-list-layouts
sort_type and sort_order